Cherry Health Benefits

Let’s look at how Cherries from the Northwest can be beneficial to your health.

Northwest sweet cherries are not only full of flavour, but they are a good source of potassium and several other key nutrients and bioactive compounds.


These include Polyphenols, which are a category of plant compounds that offer various health benefits as well as Indolamines which can influence sleep patterns and mood.


By consuming sweet cherries, polyphenols and indolamines are believed to contribute to a host of beneficial effects on certain diseases and medical conditions.

Cherry Health Benefits
Cherry Health Benefits

Keeping pain at bay with anti-inflammatory properties

Sweet cherries contain anthocyanins, which appear to shut down enzymes that cause tissue inflammation in a similar manner to ibuprofen and naproxen. Increased inflammation is the underlying cause for numerous chronic human diseases, such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular disease

Studies involving humans consuming cherries in a variety of formats have shown the reduction of c-reactive protein, a common marker of inflammation, along with other biomarkers of inflammatory disease.

A tastier way to fight cancer

As more research is carried out, there is growing evidence that suggests that sweet cherries may possess cancer-fighting properties.


Whilst rich in many compounds, cherries contain ellagic acid and anthocyanins, which appear to be potent inhibitors to the growth of cancer cells.


Along with other phytonutrients, their individual and synergistic benefits continue to be the focus of several new studies.

Cherry Health Benefits
Cherry Health Benefits

Take the bite out of gout attacks

Gout is a painful form of arthritis caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood. It’s estimated that between one and two in every 100 people in the UK are affected by gout. The condition mainly affects men over 30 and women after the menopause.


According to research conducted at the USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center, eating sweet cherries can lower the levels of uric acid in the blood.


A further study carried out at The Boston University School of Medicine reported patients who eat sweet cherries and take their medicine have a 35% to 75% lower chance of experiencing an attack.

Sweet cherries can give you sweeter dreams

Sweet cherries are one of the few plant sources of melatonin and as such are considered to be a natural and flavourful aid in improving the quality of sleep.


Eating cherries about an hour before bedtime may help stabilize and regulate sleep patterns.

Cherry Health Benefits
Cherry Health Benefits

Snack on a sweet source of fibre

A cup of sweet cherries delivers about three grams of fibre, or around 10% of the recommended daily intake daily by the UK health guidelines.


Adults should aim for 30gms of fibre per day whilst children aged 2 and upwards should look to have around 15gms of fibre per day.


Just two cups of fruit daily can contribute to healthy weight maintenance, diabetes prevention and improved cardiovascular health.


Eating plenty of fibre is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, reducing stroke risks as well as type 2 diabetes, and bowel cancer.

A sweet fix without upsetting GI levels

Sweet Cherries boast a lower GI (glycemic index- a value used to measure how much specific foods increase blood sugar levels.) than almost any other fruit. They release glucose slowly and evenly, so blood sugar levels stay steady longer.


If you’ve got a sweet tooth and don’t want the unhealthy side effects of too much sugar, you can satisfy your cravings without worry.

Cherry Health Benefits

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